There’s always a catch..If your descendants had time traveled and made the changes you requested, you would already be rich and irresistible to the opposite sex.
The “new” Rudy will be in an alternate universe and this Rudy will still never have had a date.
Time travel paradoxes give me a headache (or maybe that just happens in a different time line).
BE THIS GUY over 8 years ago
There’s always a catch..If your descendants had time traveled and made the changes you requested, you would already be rich and irresistible to the opposite sex.
PrairieDog37 over 8 years ago
The “new” Rudy will be in an alternate universe and this Rudy will still never have had a date.
shawnc1959 over 8 years ago
Time travel paradoxes give me a headache (or maybe that just happens in a different time line).