Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for March 13, 2017
Life is a game with a glorious prize… …if we can only play it right. It is give and take… Build and break… …and often it ends in a fight. But he surely wins who honestly tries… …regardless of wealth or fame. He can never despair who plays it fair. HOW ARE YOU PLAYING THE GAME? Do you wilt and whine, if you fail to win… …in the manner you think your due? Do you sneer at the man in case that he can… …and does, do better than you? Do you take your rebuffs with a knowing grin? Do you laugh tho’ you pull up lame? COACH Does your faith hold true when the whole world’s blue? HOW ARE YOU PLAYING THE GAME? Get into the thick of it - wade in, boys! Whatever your cherished goal. Brace up your will till your pulses thrill, and you dare to your very soul! Do something more than make a noise, let your purpose leap into flame. As you plunge with a cry… ‘I SHALL DO OR DIE’ THEN YOU WILL BE PLAYING THE GAME.
Kind&Kinder about 8 years ago
Better just do; there is no die.
gammaguy about 8 years ago
“Life is a game with a glorious prize….”
No. Life is the prize.
Willywise52 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Who was this saying attributed to? It usually says.
Chief Inspector about 8 years ago
It by a woman named Ann Onymous
annqueue about 8 years ago
After quite a bit of google, I can’t find an author. It seems this poem was very popular around 1920, and it appeared in many trade organization newsletters, school journals, and such. One refers to it as a Labor Day poem, and none attribute it to anyone but anonymous.
Grack, the Grate about 8 years ago
To me, the author’s immaterial – and the second to last verse is: “To Do and Die…” You just have to hang on as long as you can…
Grack, the Grate about 8 years ago
To me, the author’s immaterial – and the second to last verse is: “To Do and Die…” You just have to hang on as long as you can…
ziggman14304 about 8 years ago
After getting hit on the head by the ball, shouldn’t he get the concussion protocol test done? Just wondering.
Lethea about 8 years ago
Citation from the Grammar Police: In Panel 9 it says, “Do you wilt and whine if you fail to win in the manner you think your due?”