Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for November 07, 2016

  1. Crab hat rear
    Crabbyrino Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Where is this Utopia you write of?

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  2. 20230819 224835 blog mit cowboyhut
    StellaMaris  over 8 years ago

    This “Utopia” could well become true, if everybody wanted it to be. We design the ride.

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  3. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  over 8 years ago

    Hicks is crazy and cannot do basic math. Nor does he understand how money is siphoned off by overhead in charities and government programs. The housing aspect alone could not be paid for by the combined earthly defense budgets. And what happens when someone decides not to play by the rules? If there’s one thing humans are good at, it is making, then breaking, rules..“Those who beat their swords into plowshares, shall plow at the orders of those who did not.”

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  4. Missing large
    euvnrutas  over 8 years ago

    If you make the simplest of rules, there will always be someone who decides that it does not apply to them.Rules are only for those people that want and need to be ruled.

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  5. 68mustang
    queenkimmie  over 8 years ago

    Nice thought but not reality now or ever.

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago

    Great quote well illustrated. Pity it had to be spoiled by a bunch of saber-rattling cretins who either never saw war (see Kennedy’s reply to “White Horse” Dealy), or driven into a more or less functioning dimentia by it.

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  7. Forbushman
    Cavenee Lonnie Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Rocket engines burning fuel so fastUp into the night sky they blast

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  8. Forbushman
    Cavenee Lonnie Premium Member over 8 years ago

    A better world is possible guys.

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  9. Image 2023 09 27 151840085
    Striped Cat  over 8 years ago

    But first we MUST build a wall to keep us safe from THEM!

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