Ain’t know faces. Not a single (add adjective here) face. I see my shrink on Friday and can’t afford a breakdown on Tuesday. Because of ML* comment (lie) about the faces, I will have to take some more pills developed by Dow Chemical. You remember Dow? The 60s? Napalm? Well, not *ML, she’s too young and pretty.
Too many faces ta fight over today–but I like da one on da lower belly o’ da boid on da right, you know, da one reading da copies of Boidbrains on da floor o’ da cage.
jml58 said, about 2 nailed perches ago
Are they Norwigean Blues?
Naa, dem ain’t no Noiwegan Blues. Dem ain’t blue at all, an’ besides, dem ain’t no more! Dey has not ceased to be! Not expired and gone to meet dems maker! Dey are not late parrots; not stiff! Not bein’ bereft of life, dey don’t rest in peace! Neither nailed to the perch, nor pushing up da daisies! Dems metabolical processes are of interest to physiologists! Dey’ve not yet hopped the twig! Nor shuffled off this mortal coil! Dey’ve yet to run down the curtain and join the choir invisible! Dey…. are still PRE-EX-PARROTS!
Llewellenbruce over 14 years ago
Is there enough paper for the both of you?
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Dat cage ain’t big enough for da one of you.
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
OMG!!! There are soooooooo many faces today!
Good art work today, Oh Supreme Leader of the Bird Braniacs!!!
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
So, Thom, which bird is Peter Falk???
cdward over 14 years ago
^The one with the glass eye.
lewisbower over 14 years ago
What be dem birds smokin?
Ain’t know faces. Not a single (add adjective here) face. I see my shrink on Friday and can’t afford a breakdown on Tuesday. Because of ML* comment (lie) about the faces, I will have to take some more pills developed by Dow Chemical. You remember Dow? The 60s? Napalm? Well, not *ML, she’s too young and pretty.
Colt9033 over 14 years ago
If there no room to fight, there room to die from cancer, first bird who drops..wins. Or do they?
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Well one of yez has gots to go. Who’z da bigger bird?
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Billy “Two Toes” Macaw brings yous greetins….
Jml58 over 14 years ago
Are they Norwigean Blues?
Allan CB Premium Member over 14 years ago
There ain’t enough room for either of dem … Dey need a bigger cage, Thom!
Mornin’ Birdbrainiacs!
Digital Frog over 14 years ago
@MontanaLady - if one is Peter Falk, is the other Ross Parrot? I can’t see their ears to tell for sure…
cleokaya over 14 years ago
They sound like Mockingbirds.
bmonk over 14 years ago
Too many faces ta fight over today–but I like da one on da lower belly o’ da boid on da right, you know, da one reading da copies of Boidbrains on da floor o’ da cage.
jml58 said, about 2 nailed perches ago
Are they Norwigean Blues?
Naa, dem ain’t no Noiwegan Blues. Dem ain’t blue at all, an’ besides, dem ain’t no more! Dey has not ceased to be! Not expired and gone to meet dems maker! Dey are not late parrots; not stiff! Not bein’ bereft of life, dey don’t rest in peace! Neither nailed to the perch, nor pushing up da daisies! Dems metabolical processes are of interest to physiologists! Dey’ve not yet hopped the twig! Nor shuffled off this mortal coil! Dey’ve yet to run down the curtain and join the choir invisible! Dey…. are still PRE-EX-PARROTS!
TheAuldWan over 14 years ago
One face in feathers at left. I spend valuable time every day looking when I could be benefiting mankind producing something useful…..
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Good morning, Tribe.
Lew —- Young?
Digital —- HOW do you keep coming up with these one liners?????? Are you a comedy writer?? If not, ya gotta be!!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Better not ruffle any feathers here…………….
Good afternoon everyone!
lin4869 over 14 years ago
Cool colors!!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Yep, and now I’ve got some cool colors framed and hanging in close viewing distance from where I’m tying right now. Thanks, again, Thom!
trekkermint over 14 years ago
only good smoked birds is turkey
Shikamoo Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hey Thom Dem boids need bigger turf, ya know? Else someone’s gonna fly the coop.
Rakkav over 14 years ago
I’d call them The Goodfeathers, but Steven Spielberg already had that idea.