Brother Leo reminds me of the old Abbot and Costello routine about a monk who owned a donkey. A Monkee on a Donkee.
Brother Leo is the Wise Fool in this strip. A well established role in tale telling.
Some how I see Brother Leo saying, He followed me home, can I keep him?
Teacher, that’s a good job for a woman. Gabby, you could even be a rabbi in certain Jewish sects. Now, you can’t be a RC priest.
Curtis Mathews over 8 years ago
Brother Leo reminds me of the old Abbot and Costello routine about a monk who owned a donkey. A Monkee on a Donkee.
kd1sq Premium Member over 8 years ago
Brother Leo is the Wise Fool in this strip. A well established role in tale telling.
knitkitty over 8 years ago
Some how I see Brother Leo saying, He followed me home, can I keep him?
rossevrymn 3 months ago
Teacher, that’s a good job for a woman. Gabby, you could even be a rabbi in certain Jewish sects. Now, you can’t be a RC priest.