Steve Benson for July 29, 2016

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    Kit Jeans  almost 8 years ago

    Well, now let’s see: Harding sired a child out of wedlock while in office, FDR had a mistress, Eisenhower had a wartime romance,John Kennedy would seduce anything he could lure into his lair, LBJ learned from him—should I go on? Who was it who said, “it’s a man thing: get over it.”?.

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    stevebenson  almost 8 years ago

    Where in the cartoon does it say that Hillary Clinton shouldn’t be elected president because of Bill’s Oval Office antics? What hallucinatory agents do you avail yourself of before delving so deeply into the imaginary meaning of cartoons?

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  almost 8 years ago

    Bill Clinton showed decency praising his wife rather than mentioning any of the many diversions he enjoyed along the way..His failings as a trustworthy human are separate from any she might conceivably have. This time he did what he usually did and should have always done: refuse to speak of them. Silence is acceptable, lying to federal judges and the American people is only acceptable to folks who prefer les.

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  4. Crab hat rear
    Crabbyrino Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Did you get your degree from Trump U? Veracity as determined by the Republicans is not veracity. INDEPENDENT investigations determined no criminal intent.

    Trump got handed a fortune then proceeded to screw the working man and Uncle Sam. I pay a fortune in Fed. Taxes. What has he paid? I GUARANTEE IT IS NOTHING, ZIP, NADA.

    Show his taxes.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Too many “famous” men have had serious problems with their zippers, politicians, athletes, and entertainers. What Bill did was wrong, but at least he and Hilllary stayed with the marriage, more like the “European attitude” of long standing with mistress, which most of the world considered Bill’s dalliances ‘no big deal". Trump’s multiple divorces, and “playing the field” he brags about, even they consider a more serious flaw.

    Part of the problem is the puritanical view that humans are meant to be strictly monogamous, when it all goes back to kings, or just men, wanting to assure that the kids they have are the kids they made, with their property, their wives, even if they had 30 or more of them!

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    stevebenson  almost 8 years ago

    Try to not take credit you don’t deserve..

    You didn’t hurt my feelings.


    I hurt your hot button,, as you were first in line to complain—and as we now witness your self-described “open mind” rapidly evacuating its remaining brain matter out your ears when it comes to certain historical realities..

    Here’s a brief historical rundown for you—all of which backs up the cartoon:.

    1. In an effort to obstruct justice, Bill Clinton—during on-the-record testimony while under oath in a court-ordered deposition—lied in an effort to deny due process in a case brought against him by Paula Jones for sexual harassment..

    2. As a result of that charge of sexual harassment, Bill and Hill jointly paid thousands of dollars to Jones in an out-of-court settlement,.

    3. The U.S. Supreme Court authorized Jones to pursue her case against him as a civil action..4. He was fined for his crime by a federal judge (whom he had appointed)—one who found him guilty of obstructing justice in the Jones case..

    5. He was ordered to pay the court costs/legal fees of plaintiff Jones’s attorneys..

    6. He was stripped of his law license for 5 years ..7. He was permanently barred by the U.S. Supreme Court from ever arguing any case before that court.._____

    .As long as Bill Clinton is going to angle for the public spotlight, he is legitimate fodder for criticism..He is an incredibly poor character witness, given his demonstrated and significant character flaws..

    The cartoon stands, despite apologist pretzelism for a former president (thank gawd) who has displayed both poor judgment and poor taste.

    .(By the way, I am a registered non-party-affiliated voter who has cast my ballot for Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Greens. Perhaps you missed today’s cartoon where I endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

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    stevebenson  almost 8 years ago

    My family knows I’m a straight shooter. Sorry you can’t handle it. Perhaps a professional counselor can help you.

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