Hey, look! A tiny detail changed between two of the panels! And a different comic aggregator has a different strip up for today, which I will now describe in detail after I write a crappy poem that doesn’t rhyme or scan!.Sorry, I thought I was in three other places.
Funny_Ha_Ha over 8 years ago
I’m sensing a strong subliminal message is embedded in this toon.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 8 years ago
Don’t worry, Comic Strip Family, your secret is safe with us.
Radish... over 8 years ago
Be more like The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day.
stev0 over 8 years ago
This is why Jim Davis has a writing team.
Kip W over 8 years ago
Hey, look! A tiny detail changed between two of the panels! And a different comic aggregator has a different strip up for today, which I will now describe in detail after I write a crappy poem that doesn’t rhyme or scan!.Sorry, I thought I was in three other places.
tim.lowell over 8 years ago
“Honey, your editor’s on the phone. He doesn’t sound happy.”