Mr. Myers, I think you meant pat head & rub tummy, as the way stated does not appear to match the actions of Broom Hilda.
Aye Irwin the talent be there and the coffee sure helps too!
the only thing it makes me do it PEE more, if thats even possible.
Twitch much, Broomie? Have another cuppa?
charliefarmrhere about 8 years ago
Mr. Myers, I think you meant pat head & rub tummy, as the way stated does not appear to match the actions of Broom Hilda.
William Pursell about 8 years ago
Aye Irwin the talent be there and the coffee sure helps too!
hcarpenter1 about 8 years ago
the only thing it makes me do it PEE more, if thats even possible.
Sisyphos about 8 years ago
Twitch much, Broomie? Have another cuppa?