Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 21, 2016
the dog days of august what are dogs thinking these days? asta. asta: i think that the air of mystery & hauteur that cats cultivate is just an act to counter their embarrassment at hacking up all those hairballs. spinalzo. spinalzo: i think that disgraced film maker george lucas created jar jar binks hoping to unite humanity by giving them a racial caricature they could all detest. but i haven't seen the movies so i'm just guessing. barcarolle. barcarolle: i think that dog fancy magazine should publish an annual list of the best places to roll around in smelly filth in america. toulouse. toulouse: i applaud the recent proposal by an animal rights group to redefine pet "ownership" as "guardianship." i trust this will lead to the establishment of our full constitutional rights so we can go out & buy guns. muffin and mr. squeaks. muffin: i think we should all keep in mind that "dog days" is defined as the hottest & unhealthiest time of the year. so let's not get too smug. funny dog art corner this weeks is by zuzu of falls church ya. send us your funny dog art
Malcolm Hall about 8 years ago
His master’s protective collar.
Ermine Notyours about 8 years ago
I guess the modern version would have a dog staring at an iPod.
Kip W about 8 years ago
We had to put the collar on him to keep him from biting. He’s a Nipper.
Sisyphos about 8 years ago
I guess the simple old descriptive dog-names are passé in D.C. suburbs, the wealthiest in the nation among them. Spoiled doggies!