As a professional (now retired) Troglodyte, I can state loudly that “I don’t get it” .. My electronic career dealt only with ‘cause’ not ‘effect’ and I rue the day (as a sub-teen) that I discovered the fact that I could pick up radio stations using coils, antennas and ‘crystals’ using only headphones. OBTW, I DO find that my “smart phone” has an IQ of less than 67. When its Time Card runs out, I’m going back to my old Flip-Phone, the original intent of the whole affair.
Another_Keith over 8 years ago
tahoeh2o over 8 years ago
belgarathmth over 8 years ago
Life influencing art.
jtviper7 over 8 years ago
I would stand under the Wi-Fi too…
Radish... over 8 years ago
They are off the beam.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 8 years ago
Pokemon NO!
hcarpenter1 over 8 years ago
well alrighty then.
Bargrove over 8 years ago
They under the “impression.” sorry
unca jim over 8 years ago
As a professional (now retired) Troglodyte, I can state loudly that “I don’t get it” .. My electronic career dealt only with ‘cause’ not ‘effect’ and I rue the day (as a sub-teen) that I discovered the fact that I could pick up radio stations using coils, antennas and ‘crystals’ using only headphones. OBTW, I DO find that my “smart phone” has an IQ of less than 67. When its Time Card runs out, I’m going back to my old Flip-Phone, the original intent of the whole affair.
pickyX2 over 8 years ago
@UncaJimWell, I get that they go to the wi-fi icon, but I agree and echo everything else you have said. (Look up, world!)