Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for October 02, 2016
Adam: RATS!! @*#$@#!! Laura: Everything okay? I heard a couple of @'s and #s!! Adam: It's our stupid internet again! I keep getting kicked offline. The modem is so touchy. I reset it. Then I unplugged it for a while. Then I petted it and told it it was a good boy, gave it a cookie, and tried burping it gently on my shoulder. Laura: What if you sang to it? Adam: I tried that once. It hissed me and deleted my little river band albums.
Phred Premium Member over 8 years ago
‘Reprogrammed it with a geologist hammer’. That’s funny and a variation of a time honored repair technique.
tahoeh2o over 8 years ago
Don’t be a Lonesome Loser…
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago
My brother had DSL and it wasn’t working well so he called the telephone company and had to BEG to get them to fix it! The tech came and had no clue and said he’d be back and was never seen again. Brother changed to cable and is amazed how much faster it is. Oh, and the cable tech found that the phone connector to the modem was bad!
Dani Rice over 8 years ago
Back in the 90s, we had DSL. Hubby broke his ankle, and the bank allowed him to work from home instead of using all of his sick leave. Every time he tried to download a file, AOL would cut him off after 10 minutes. The bank finally paid to have cable installed. Whoo-ee!
whiteaj over 8 years ago
Modem? Phone line? Oh I remember that. Every time my cat meowed our acoustic coupler would disconnect!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
My wireless connexion is very touchy. If I don’t shut down just right it won’t reconnect. Only when I leave the whole thing unplugged will it do it on its own.
Troy over 8 years ago
I guess it doesn’t have the heart of a night owl. It wants you to be a lonesome loser.
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
I “repaired” a Sony laptop with an 8 pound sledge! Never gave anyone a problem after it was “fixed”…
Bill Koenig over 8 years ago
Years ago I was the first in my little town to go DSL. The tech almost lived at my house for two weeks, and never could get it to hook up. I finally got hold of a gentleman in Phoenix at the phone co. who said he thought he could help. He said, “Now start your browser.” I did and he told me to wait just a couple minutes. When he came back he said for me to try again, because they had never turned it on in Phoenix. And now it worked!
Ceeg22 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Modems don’t actually like to be burped