Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for February 05, 2017
Puck: Holiday bows aren't just for snacking! Toss them across a room... To hone your hunting skills! "Stay tuned for the following messages" Phone: Elusive red dots got you down? Robber Mouse: I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted. All I see is a one way ticket to cheesetown! Alice, there's still time. Let's give it back. All aboard the cheddar express! C'mon Alice. Who scored all this doll house furniture? What about this big screen TV? We can handle it. But Alice - this is different. This is the little black cat's friend! Friend?! Friend! Yes, she said friend! I've got too many! Pipe down! Our Nine Lives is almost on! This cotton ball is about to have a better Christmas than us, and you feel sorry for it?! I feel sorry for the little black cat! Is that what this is about? What? Christmas. No. Captain Fluff n' Puff stays. I'll be in my room. Sisters have two settings: Laugh and fight. Kit Chase is so fine. I'd let him chase me. Christmas? Why would it be about Christmas? Who cares about Christmas? Not me.
Adiraiju about 8 years ago
I didn’t initially think this was about Christmas, I thought that mouse feared Puck going all Liam Neeson in “Taken” on him.
DankMemes about 8 years ago
what happened to puck having revenge
DankMemes about 8 years ago
atleast there’s a good mouse.
T_Lexi about 8 years ago
Uh, oh… Alice has “Christmas issues.” ;-) “Kit Chase is so fine” – “I’d let him chase me.” Oh, SO funny! You go, little mice gals!
Hex Goblinweb about 8 years ago
This is where I met the Three Little Kittens and fell hopelessly in love with each one (and the mice).
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 8 years ago
I’m gonna make a guess and say that we are getting character-development from the Robber Mice Gang?
Brein43 about 8 years ago
Everybody just hang on for a raucous Shakespearean ride-anger, redemption, forgiveness, sibling rivalry, sibling love. Keep a good eye on the backgrounds for Easter eggs- greeting cards, album covers, pizza delivery devices…
Brein43 about 8 years ago
I think Alice has some unresolved Christmas issues…but I forgot to comment on the commercial…"elusive red dots got you down ". !!!! Love it.
SunflowerGirl100 about 8 years ago
You new readers should feel lucky. You only have to wait overnight for the next installment. When it originally ran, the comic was on Mondays and Thursday so we had to wait three whole days to find out what happens next.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 8 years ago
This probably won’t work for you if you are not on fb.
kelseyjayne25 about 8 years ago
I don’t get it
bonita.eley about 8 years ago
Love all the Christmas Stories!
pam Miner about 8 years ago
A few years back I saw the cutest Vodaphone"/ Vodafone" ad from Australia. It featured rats, and the Boy rat came into the rat hole and said pulling a smartphone, saying “Check it out ladies a big screen TV!” The boy put it onto some sport show and the 3 girls said in unison “No, no, no, no, no.” So funny!