Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for September 17, 2016
Lupin: There's a new scratching post in the living room. Puck: Ooh, I love a new scratching post! Elvis, what can you tell us? Elvis: You know, I was skeptical Puck, but the new scratching post is great. Lupin: How does she handle? Elvis: Real smooth, hardly any resistance at all! Lupin: Wow, looks like quite a time, Elvis! Puck: Now that's a post I could really sink my claws into! Lupin: Oh, you're bad! Puck: Claws... Elvis: Well, now I'm bored.
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 8 years ago
Far too true to real life. Have had more than one lamp shade that fell casualty to the cat!
RH3 over 8 years ago
I have become expert at restoring snagged and pulled threads in the fabric upholstery.
But the fake leather upholstery is just held together with duct tape.
ladykat over 8 years ago
Yum Yum is surprisingly good around furniture, the only thing she scratches are the legs on the coffee table, and they are pieces of 2 × 3″ pine, so she has a few years of scratching to go before she puts a serious dent in them
tad1 over 8 years ago
This is so much like my sister’s cat.
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 8 years ago
That’s pretty much what my two cats have done to my cloth desk chair!
bonita.eley over 8 years ago
Smooth ride good handling but the scratching post doesn’t get many claws be fore it needs servicing…humm..sounded funnier in my head