Satchel’s comment is about as racist as telling someone, "Too bad your country is an island and not land locked. Even though this cartoon is 8 years old it is still VERY relevant. Tell a certain party that what they are doing is racist and they will scream that you are being racist. Tell those same people that they are intolerant and they will scream that you are being intolerant because you won’t embrace their racism and intolerance of people who aren’t exactly like them.Now which partisan ideology does Bucky seem to fit in again? Yep, that fits the above perfectly.
Bucky forms Buckyvania and secedes from Robistan. Was Texass talking about seceding from America in 2008? I mean that _"uppity BLACK man" hadn’t gotten elected to the WHITE House yet.
Kind&Kinder over 8 years ago
That’s o.k., Buckaroo, call out for a pizza with triple anchovies (apologies to Hobbes).
wolfowned over 8 years ago
Is Amerobka reneging on his foreign aid?
shawnc1959 over 8 years ago
Too bad the “Dear Leader” of Buckyvania reneged on that trade deal, given his country has no natural resources like kibble and cans of tuna.
HMunster over 8 years ago
Really, Bucky? Playing the race card?
Besides, it’s not racist, it’s foodist!
TheTrustedMechanic over 8 years ago
Satchel’s comment is about as racist as telling someone, "Too bad your country is an island and not land locked. Even though this cartoon is 8 years old it is still VERY relevant. Tell a certain party that what they are doing is racist and they will scream that you are being racist. Tell those same people that they are intolerant and they will scream that you are being intolerant because you won’t embrace their racism and intolerance of people who aren’t exactly like them.Now which partisan ideology does Bucky seem to fit in again? Yep, that fits the above perfectly.
TheTrustedMechanic over 8 years ago
Bucky forms Buckyvania and secedes from Robistan. Was Texass talking about seceding from America in 2008? I mean that _"uppity BLACK man" hadn’t gotten elected to the WHITE House yet.
cubswin2016 over 8 years ago
I don’t think Bucky knows what the word means, or any other words for that matter.
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 8 years ago
Ever noticed that the only fat guy in all of North Korea is Kim Jong Un?
Alan Steenhouwer over 8 years ago
Called it. The hallway even looks annexed.
Stan McSerr over 8 years ago
Bucky, promise not to develop nuclear weapons if Rob sends you a nice supply of tuna (remember the can opener).
1MadHat Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hey, Bucky! Whaddya got to trade with? Huh?