Are we to take this seriously? Milo the Mainstream Media editor in Bloom County’s own print paper?! Milo is concerned about PC language (or, as he calls it, “baloney terms”)?Please, Steve may laugh his [insert PC term in place of vulgarity here] off! —Which, come to think of it, is exactly what he needs….
Shades of John Wayne Bobbit and Lorena on the last panel. And on the first panel I can confidently state that Donald Trump is about as flexible as Steve’s wang at this point.
Sherlock Watson over 8 years ago
Milo doesn’t seem to have a grasp of the situation.
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
Are we to take this seriously? Milo the Mainstream Media editor in Bloom County’s own print paper?! Milo is concerned about PC language (or, as he calls it, “baloney terms”)?Please, Steve may laugh his [insert PC term in place of vulgarity here] off! —Which, come to think of it, is exactly what he needs….
e.groves over 8 years ago
Would a cold shower help?
Port&Hodge4ever over 8 years ago
Shades of John Wayne Bobbit and Lorena on the last panel. And on the first panel I can confidently state that Donald Trump is about as flexible as Steve’s wang at this point.
redwinger_6 over 8 years ago
a naked selfie of Hillary should do it.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 8 years ago
Reality sure can ruin a great day!!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
Can’t be bothered, napping, doing taxes, dead, any number of things.
John W Kennedy Premium Member over 8 years ago
“Never mind, my darling boy, we’ll simply cut it off,And to your blushing bride we’ll give the extra length of cloth.”—“Angus and the kilt”
Dapperdan61 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Lorena Bobbitt please step away from Steve with those sharp sharp scissors
jjpeacockiv over 8 years ago
Might not want to mention ‘head’ and ‘cutting off’ in the same sentence in this case, either.