Mothballs also work…and/or Irish Spring soap.
Dryer sheets work too! I guess they don’t like the clean smell. Filthy vermin! They can sure wreak a lot of damage. On the farm, pack rats (Hispid cotton rat) used to fill the air cleaner with dog food.
Make sure the cat’s not sleeping on the engine. They like the heat. It’s a terrible sound to hear a cat caught in the fan belt!
March 20, 2015
Eagleskies Premium Member about 8 years ago
Mothballs also work…and/or Irish Spring soap.
Randall Uhrich about 8 years ago
Dryer sheets work too! I guess they don’t like the clean smell. Filthy vermin! They can sure wreak a lot of damage. On the farm, pack rats (Hispid cotton rat) used to fill the air cleaner with dog food.
Randall Uhrich about 8 years ago
Make sure the cat’s not sleeping on the engine. They like the heat. It’s a terrible sound to hear a cat caught in the fan belt!