Thatababy by Paul Trap for September 12, 2016

  1. Leprechaun
    oldpine52  about 8 years ago


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    Templo S.U.D.  about 8 years ago

    Ooh, even the parents are doodling on the wall! (I’ll always remember Gene from “The Chocolate Factory.”)

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    laurag12363 Premium Member about 8 years ago

    He was one of my favourites growing up!! He can see Gilda again!!

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  4. Marina and cruise ship from dick s resized for avatar
    kfccanada  about 8 years ago

    What an interesting cartoon in honour of Gene Wilder. The adults are drawing the subject, Gene Wilder, as an adult and Thatababy is drawing him as a baby. That could lead to the question ’Could it be that all babies view adults as babies, too? I realize anything is possible in a cartoon but…….in actuality, perhaps babies would find it easier to grasp our interest and love for them if they actually did view us on their level. If we could see through their eyes, perhaps we could grasp the way our actions come across to them in various scenarios and we could improve our methods of relating to them.

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  5. Ecsegar
    dwagon55  about 8 years ago

    Thanks, Paul, I was waiting for this one.

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  6. Doggie1
    hcarpenter1  about 8 years ago

    he was the best of the best for sure. and he will be so missed….

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  7. Cat defines tact
    Kombul Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Thank you so much for the tribute. I had only a vague remembrance of him and while reading his biography realized that I never saw “The Producers”. Need to get this one on DVD ASAP.

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    Nancy Murphy  about 8 years ago

    Very nice and creative tribute to Gene Wilder.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 8 years ago

    So, so inventive.

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    Charlie Tuba  about 8 years ago

    The Frisco Kid and those flicks that he made with Richard Pryor.

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  11. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 8 years ago

    Few movies made from books are better than the books, but “Willy Wonka” definitely was. (So were “The Wizard of Oz”, “Pinocchio”, and “Mary Poppins.” Is the secret that it’s easier to improve children’s books?)

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  12. Seafox02
    SeaFox10  about 8 years ago

    Puttin’ on the Ritz!

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    cheetahqueen  about 8 years ago

    Nice tribute, Paul!

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  14. Doc and fifi
    BWR  about 8 years ago

    One of my favorite WIlder movies- The Frisco Kid, with Harrison Ford.

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    ichiban  about 8 years ago

    Have been watching this strip get unfunnier by the day. A lot of the gags are just unfunny social commentary, a cop out. Too bad, cause" the artwork is superb, maybe it can turn itself around.

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  16. Silly songs with larry
    Chloe the Cucumber  over 6 years ago

    He played Willy Wonka, my favorite character? sometimes i have so much time and so little to do… wait, “strike that, reverse it!”

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    Unicorn55 (Happy New Year 2022!)  about 3 years ago

    I used to watch “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” all the time. I watched it every week. “YOU GET NOTHING! YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!”

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    Those Of You With Short Attention Spans  almost 2 years ago


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  19. Pixilart drawing  5
    Those Of You With Short Attention Spans  almost 2 years ago


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