She saw the smoke, and like Smokey the Bear, Hoogy will stamp and soak that little fire until she’s sure there is not one single smoldering ember left.
Meanwhile, Hoogy’s child almost died in a bus crash. Now I see how she won so much respect at At least Boog proves the essential truth of Darwinism, because he’s a huge step up from these two jerks.
Fusnr over 14 years ago
Hope the Dog House is big enough for a dog in trouvble
Redhead55 over 14 years ago
Aw, come on Hoogy. Give him a chance.
Hillbillyman over 14 years ago
Move it on over,,,I said move it on over,,,,Move over little dog because the big dogs moving in…. Hank Williams Sr.
axe-grinder over 14 years ago
She saw the smoke, and like Smokey the Bear, Hoogy will stamp and soak that little fire until she’s sure there is not one single smoldering ember left.
davidf42 over 14 years ago
Has anyone told Boog to take the picture off of Facebook yet?
roohey over 14 years ago
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
Bill Thompson over 14 years ago
Meanwhile, Hoogy’s child almost died in a bus crash. Now I see how she won so much respect at At least Boog proves the essential truth of Darwinism, because he’s a huge step up from these two jerks.