This comic is set in the 1960’s. Broken glass on the sidewalks was actually more of a problem back then, because it was before the days of plastic bottles. Sodas came in glass bottles, and bad people did throw them out of cars. That’s when they started making the PSA commercials with the crying Indian. Cans also had tear off pull rings that had very sharp edges,and people threw those down too. I remember cutting my foot open on one when I was 4, in 1969.
Yes, there was broken bottles back in the ’60s but there was also no “pooper scooper” laws…so you really had to watch where you steeped while walking Rover!
Catfeet Premium Member over 8 years ago
So much for a future “Dr. Red”!
uncleskull over 8 years ago
You think he could handle it better the second time around.
Fiammata over 8 years ago
It’s too bad, having broken glass on the sidewalks, litterbugs and all…
belgarathmth over 8 years ago
This comic is set in the 1960’s. Broken glass on the sidewalks was actually more of a problem back then, because it was before the days of plastic bottles. Sodas came in glass bottles, and bad people did throw them out of cars. That’s when they started making the PSA commercials with the crying Indian. Cans also had tear off pull rings that had very sharp edges,and people threw those down too. I remember cutting my foot open on one when I was 4, in 1969.
beach004 over 8 years ago
“Stepped on a pop-top; blew out my flip-flop…”
rentier over 8 years ago
Mom will help immediately!!
bonita.eley over 8 years ago
Red is a great kid – carrying his dog home
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
62mgb over 8 years ago
Yes, there was broken bottles back in the ’60s but there was also no “pooper scooper” laws…so you really had to watch where you steeped while walking Rover!
dogday Premium Member over 8 years ago
@ Rhadamanthus: Thank you for the steer to Today’s Dogg. I hadn’t seen it before but will be adding it today.
ianjohnsoncartoonist Premium Member over 8 years ago
Bring the smelling salts too!
hcarpenter1 over 8 years ago
oh dear poor Rover…been there and done that, it hurts something fierce.