Out on the road on errands today, I drove past a car that had broken down and was being pushed to the side. As I went past, an awful smell permeated my car. Whatever happened to that car, it smelled expensive…
I remember the money from the guitar went toward the truck, but I don’t remember what. I assume that this will be expensive from her grandmother’s attitude.
fishbulb239 over 8 years ago
Kawanga-roo-roo patooty doesn’t sound all that bad. Perhaps new spark plugs?
ChessPirate over 8 years ago
Out on the road on errands today, I drove past a car that had broken down and was being pushed to the side. As I went past, an awful smell permeated my car. Whatever happened to that car, it smelled expensive…
del_grande Premium Member over 8 years ago
It can’t be the radiator – she just got that replaced with the money from Agnes’s guitar, didn’t she?
BlueIris Premium Member over 8 years ago
I remember the money from the guitar went toward the truck, but I don’t remember what. I assume that this will be expensive from her grandmother’s attitude.