Look back at ALL of the presidents who showed some integrity, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, etc. These were the people who had the rest of the world looking up to US. Then after Eisenhauer we started going backward. Now we are looking below the bottom of the barrel.
While I am voting Evan McMullen, certainly Johnson would be better than the two major party candidates. Hillary is too dumb to realize the paralysis that big government has inflicted on the real economy. Donald is not smart enough to notice the incompetent performance Hillary gave as Secretary of State – she inherited a stable world from Bush/Cheney, and kicked it into chaos.
Thirdbase over 8 years ago
Aleppo, wasn’t he the 4th Marx Brother?
Darsan54 Premium Member over 8 years ago
It’s what happens when you’re stoned all the time.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
An excuse like that? One of the things one needs is strong knowledge on foreign affairs.
auggy42 over 8 years ago
More important is INTEGRITY along with a fair playing field which we do not have.
Radical-Knight over 8 years ago
The alternative is to JUST SAY NO to both candidates and “appoint” the Speaker of the House as acting President. >shudder<
Darsan54 Premium Member over 8 years ago
I just heard Mr. Johnson’s proposal to deal with Climate Change is to colonize other worlds. Oh yeah, that will work.
auggy42 over 8 years ago
Look back at ALL of the presidents who showed some integrity, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, etc. These were the people who had the rest of the world looking up to US. Then after Eisenhauer we started going backward. Now we are looking below the bottom of the barrel.
timbob2313 Premium Member over 8 years ago
and then, shortly afterwards, he dropped out of the race. Is the person drawing this strip really attempting to compare the 2?
jbmlaw01 over 8 years ago
While I am voting Evan McMullen, certainly Johnson would be better than the two major party candidates. Hillary is too dumb to realize the paralysis that big government has inflicted on the real economy. Donald is not smart enough to notice the incompetent performance Hillary gave as Secretary of State – she inherited a stable world from Bush/Cheney, and kicked it into chaos.