JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for October 23, 2016
Joe: Crunchy...have you were tried smiling? Crunchy: Of course I have wisely. I hated it. Studies show that the more you smile , the longer you'll live! Thats baloney. Ive had a full checkup recently. - got a clean bill! Doc said I have the lungs of a man half my age! hearts as strong as a moose. even my eyes and ears defy the ravages of time! I am living proof that misery rage out life indefinitely. you ok, joe? Never better!
Charlie Fogwhistle over 8 years ago
He may not live forever, but it will feel like it.
rphbeta over 8 years ago
Sounds like choosing quantity over quality.
choo choo willy over 8 years ago
He needs to be “tenderized” before he goes.
cosman over 8 years ago
Heard it takes more energy being negative than positive..