The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for September 21, 2016

  1. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  over 8 years ago

    If someone threatens you with a baseball bat, then I’ll call foul.

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    Doctor Toon  over 8 years ago

    Stephen Patis did not invent the pun nor does he have a copyright on using puns in comic strips

    Some people just like to criticize, it makes them feel better by putting someone else down

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    Malcolm Hall  over 8 years ago

    Actually, I think Lennie is ripping off “Gasoline Alley” — but you have to look pretty deep to see the similarities.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 8 years ago

    The issue isn´t about using puns that makes it “similar” to Pastis. But the same kind of low brow puns as he does which makes it so “similar”. Also when you don´t do it on a regular basis in that way it really does stand out more.Besides, it isn´t a bad thing to copy him (or compared) – if that had been the case, and yes I know what I wrote yesterday, but you ought to just see it as a joke when commenters see it as that similar. :)

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    mggreen  over 8 years ago

    I use the term “Pastisitis”. A simple affliction causing uncontrollable use of puns and word-play. Unfortunately, Lennie, there is no cure . . .

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    Burgundy2  over 8 years ago

    I just went to “Diamond Lil” where there was a pun. And there it was again! Someone had to invoke Pastis. Geez!

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    tracybsmith  over 8 years ago

    haha!! Don’t be sad….. there are those of us who love your strip for itself.

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  8. Gocomics
    Goblinopolis  over 8 years ago

    The people accusing you of this are all either accounts belonging to Pastis or people paid (in some coin) by him. Publicity is hard to come by.

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