Very precise and true. We too often forget who is benefitting off your work.Trump, the big corporations who don’t pay taxes, like Bank of America, Koch industries and plenty of others.
Republicans/Fox “news” viewers absolutely do not get this.
They also do not get the effect wealth inequality has on elections, election laws, tax laws, and regulatory laws.
Yeah, they expect their food to be safe.They expect their drugs to be safe.They expect their DRINKING WATER to be safe.But they want smaller government so their [income] taxes will go down.
fudleysmith over 8 years ago
A joke illustrated by someone who truly doesn’t understand the financial dynamics of motor racing. Not your best effort.
comixbomix over 8 years ago
Not the most lucrative endorsement, however…
treBsdrawkcaB over 8 years ago
Same performance? Why’s he headed straight for the wall?
jtviper7 over 8 years ago
His GPS indicates to turn left.
yimhere over 8 years ago
…..the driver will be lucky if the car even starts!
Kip W over 8 years ago
Should be a white or yellow car with black Helvetica lettering on it. For the brand ID.
pam Miner over 8 years ago
Very precise and true. We too often forget who is benefitting off your work.Trump, the big corporations who don’t pay taxes, like Bank of America, Koch industries and plenty of others.
braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago
Republicans/Fox “news” viewers absolutely do not get this.
They also do not get the effect wealth inequality has on elections, election laws, tax laws, and regulatory laws.
Yeah, they expect their food to be safe.They expect their drugs to be safe.They expect their DRINKING WATER to be safe.But they want smaller government so their [income] taxes will go down.
kurt.zwicky over 8 years ago
And be aware of the trickle down……
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 8 years ago
Not to mention 1/3 the reliability!!
Happy Two Shoes over 8 years ago
The biggest chunk of the average tax payers money is going to corporate subsidies, welfare for business.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
Trump isn’t the only one sucking us dry.