Prickly City by Scott Stantis for October 12, 2016

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 8 years ago

    Most of us haven’t, it just that the fear fueled haters are getting more publicity. It is hard to snuggle up to someone who would do something to me because I do not pass their human test.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    S’okay Winslow. With the Dump, that response is more likely correct than not. Of course, it’s not like liberals haven’t been referred to as “takers”, “moochers”, “libtards”, “traitors”, “weak”, “N****r-lovers”, “weak”, “cowards”, “welfare queens”, “hippies”,“femi-Nazi”, etc by any conservative ever, right?

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    6.6TA  over 8 years ago

    j gray has found a very succinct way to illustrate Mr. Stantis’ point.

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    nosirrom  over 8 years ago

    It has certainly gotten to be a habit in the comments section.

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    Happy Two Shoes  over 8 years ago

    Your looney right wing racist Trump is now a party of one!


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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago


    I recall after the right wing had deluged him with accusations of every suppressed/oppressed minority -lover, Steve Allen simply went down the list on the air, ending with: “and every other lover, because to do otherwise is against the specific instructions of Jesus Christ.” Some yammer about their religion all the time, others rarely mention it, preferring to let their lives do their talking.

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    timbob2313 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    The problem IMPO is that I hear (first, read the entire post) both Mr Trump and whole bunches of his followers called Democrats traitor-a left over from GW Bush era- to every other name-granted, lots come from right wing, AM hate radio, and still other conservatives-not all-are all for putting all Democrats in jail.Democrats are pretty fast and loose with the racist tag, which so far can only really apply to Trump, he said it, he owns it.Calling out conservatives fascist might be a step to far.The only real problem is not Republican/Democrat, it with outliers like White power and alt right groups and the biggest group of all that denigrates the left as traitors and many other things even worse, is the Tparty along with the Freedom Caucus in the House. As a group, they have been by far the nastiest foul mouthed group in govt that the GOP started as a group to interfear with Democratic Town halls, then to shut up and sit down until the GOP needed them to provoke and intimidate Democrats.It is a fact that GOP led states are attempting to stop minorities from voting. No argument, this has been proven in court, from Texas, to Indiana, to North Carolina. Red States came out with voter ID laws the second after the SC invalidated one part o the Voters Rights Act.

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    kaffekup   over 8 years ago

    For a list of “compliments” to liberals, see the titles of Ann Coulter’s books.

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    Thomas & Tifffany Connolly  over 8 years ago

    Bad habits are difficult to break!!

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago


    Steve Allen wasn’t a liberal? He marched with King, he walked picket lines (as a SAG and AFTRA member) with several unions. He had Bruce perform on his show when otherwise blacklisted. He was active in the ACLU. Go back and watch some Meeting of the Minds broadcasts, particularly the first one which was totally verbatim quotes from Aristotle, Montague, Dostoesky, Freud, and Darrow, on capital punishment. I see no evidence in your comments that you ever watched his shows, much less had any direct conversation with him. Maybe you should read Dumpth, because you are featured in it.

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    K M  over 8 years ago

    Gotta stop hanging out w/Hillary, uh, Honey. Winston!

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    V45mikky  over 8 years ago

    I fear what will happen if either one gets in office.

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