Because in reality, our bodies are meant to move more than most people do every day. It’s nature. So, while you workout and especially after, it increases your endorphins. These help make you happy. I myself can definitely feel a difference from when I do and don’t exercise or move. I feel a bit blue if K skip it a few days. My outlook is much better when I move. Life would be pretty sucky without kickboxing, yoga, and many of the cool excercise I find on You Tube.
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
you’re a riot, Earl
LuvThemPluggers over 8 years ago
There’s still time, Earl!
sandpiper over 8 years ago
My, how the time flies.
assrdood over 8 years ago
I resemble that remark!
garcoa over 8 years ago
Stuff like that happens when your wife reads in bed, keeping you awake to ponder the meaning of life.
jtviper7 over 8 years ago
They say, People that workout look forward to it… Never could figure that one out.
quanyindove over 8 years ago
Because in reality, our bodies are meant to move more than most people do every day. It’s nature. So, while you workout and especially after, it increases your endorphins. These help make you happy. I myself can definitely feel a difference from when I do and don’t exercise or move. I feel a bit blue if K skip it a few days. My outlook is much better when I move. Life would be pretty sucky without kickboxing, yoga, and many of the cool excercise I find on You Tube.
cuzinron47 over 8 years ago
He has a hard time working it into his busy schedule.
hcarpenter1 over 8 years ago
oh Earl who do you think you are fooling????
Number Three over 8 years ago
The only exercise I bother with is walking and that’s only if I have to go somewhere.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 8 years ago
Mission Accomplished!!
masimaninlv over 8 years ago
A fresh brew of java and Pickles…… what a great way to start the day!