Overboard by Chip Dunham for October 21, 2016
Hey, hop up, you two. Let me give you a ride to school. Or could we talk about? Oh, I know! How about the hundreds of thousands of sent receptors that labs have in their noses? If we promise not to smoke again, will you promise not to tell on us, Louie? I'll keep the deal if you keep a deal.
GROG Premium Member over 8 years ago
Good morning, Crew!
instigator20 over 8 years ago
Good Morning Crew,Smoking has been known to cause cancer in rodents…….but I guess we all know this.Have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
capkidd over 8 years ago
Ellie and Jonas smoking? This one is again another classic and just great….who doesn’t like Sara Lee, oops Overboard.Thanks again, Chip, from our whole family.
Charlie Fogwhistle over 8 years ago
I’m not a lab, but I can smell tobacco smoke from 30 feet away. 100 feet if it’s a cigar.
GROG Premium Member over 8 years ago
Smokin’ in the boys room ain’t allowed in school.
patlaborvi over 8 years ago
I use to have a record called Don Loenie speaks to teenagers. He was a Christian comedian who gave lectures in schools around the country back when Christian lecturers were allowed and even encouraged to speak to students. One time he arrived early for the lecture and since it was a nice day he decided to stay out and enjoy the day before going into the stuffy school. While he was there he heard 4 boys talking about skipping the rest of school, 3 boys talked the 4th into playing hooky with them and just as they started to take off Don yelled out, “I’m gonna squeel on you.” He told them that he was the guest lecturer for the afternoon and he promised not to tell anyone their plans if he saw them at the lecture, all 4 of them were sitting in the front row when he got up to speak.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 8 years ago
Good Evening Crew!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 8 years ago
I can detect smoke anywhere. I hate the smell.Good Evening, Crew.
rgcviper over 8 years ago
What happens on Louie’s back … stays on Louie’s back!
Happy Friday, Crew.
LaughedMyselfFuzzy over 8 years ago
Awesome comic!