Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 01, 2016
Dogged by controversy...pud reilly Great Moments in sports history They said the beloved record of 11 career homers would stand forever! Breaks career home run record in 1908 Pup never heard the boos when he hit his historic 12th homer, because he always played in a drunken haze BOO BOOO Players of non-northern european descent had only recently been allowed to play in the majors , which was believed to pad puds stats....Pitch it in here ya slightly off- white mongrel! - Performance Enhancer? If by "performance enhancer" you mean did I threaten the lives of pitchers wives if they didnt pitch me a snowball, I got no comment! Commissioner Ernest schakel , a saloonkeeper and bookie, openly decried Pud's achievement - The great innocence of baseball has been forever tarnished by your vile record. You can kiss my asterisk. Now gimme my money....I bet on the other fellas, and I gotta pay the ump. Put had the use of all four limbs, considered an unfair athletic advantage in the early days of baseball. Puds off season business, an immigrant - child fighting ring, did nothing to enhance his popularity.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago
Not far off the mark from what I hear.
Kip W over 8 years ago
*Umpires agreed, though, Pud always paid up.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
That is one scathing parody.