you’re right, Boise Ed, tomato juice is a waste of good tomato juice. what REALLY works is miraculous. 3 cups of baking soda in a bowl (metal or a plastic one that will hold a lot, or a bucket) and 2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide you get at a dollar store. mix it together, and sponge it on the dog or animal (or your own skin) that’s gotten the spraying. you can’t put it in the eyes, but can sponge it around the ears if they get it in the face. It takes the skunk odor away INSTANTLY. I was given this recipe by my vet’s secretary who was trying to save me the money for the overpriced 8 ounce bottle they sold. They used this 100’s of times. I’ve used this many times. Two of my dogs got skunked three times in less than 8 days by the same skunk. Believe me, this works. I’ve also used it on the neighbor up the driveway who got skunked by the SAME SKUNK when she didn’t see or hear it stamping it’s warning when she was going to check her mailbox LOL the baking soda mixed with the hydrogen peroxide works to neutralize the smell, the stickiness comes off. I’d not keep the sponge you use… you’re welcome.
Boise Ed Premium Member over 8 years ago
FYI, tomato juice doesn’t actually work on skunk odor.
loonygardener over 8 years ago
you’re right, Boise Ed, tomato juice is a waste of good tomato juice. what REALLY works is miraculous. 3 cups of baking soda in a bowl (metal or a plastic one that will hold a lot, or a bucket) and 2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide you get at a dollar store. mix it together, and sponge it on the dog or animal (or your own skin) that’s gotten the spraying. you can’t put it in the eyes, but can sponge it around the ears if they get it in the face. It takes the skunk odor away INSTANTLY. I was given this recipe by my vet’s secretary who was trying to save me the money for the overpriced 8 ounce bottle they sold. They used this 100’s of times. I’ve used this many times. Two of my dogs got skunked three times in less than 8 days by the same skunk. Believe me, this works. I’ve also used it on the neighbor up the driveway who got skunked by the SAME SKUNK when she didn’t see or hear it stamping it’s warning when she was going to check her mailbox LOL the baking soda mixed with the hydrogen peroxide works to neutralize the smell, the stickiness comes off. I’d not keep the sponge you use… you’re welcome.
John Wiley Premium Member over 8 years ago
Oxidize the odor out with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Dilute acids, like 50% white vinegar or tomato juice, will work, just not as well.
Elizabeth Wieland Premium Member over 8 years ago
I have a co-worker whose cat has been skunked not once but twice. Cats also get skunked.
Boise Ed Premium Member over 8 years ago
About 15-20 years ago, we had a dog who all-too-frequently challenged an invading skunk. Sigh.