Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 02, 2016

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 8 years ago

    Scott Walker has broken more unions than that.

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    Flash Gordon  over 8 years ago

    UNION YES!!!

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  3. Beethoven 600x600jpg  1
    For a Just and Peaceful World  over 8 years ago

    “I used to be a governor” Sounds like Illinois. Governors convicted: Otto Kerner Jr., Daniel J. Walker, George Homer Ryan, Sr. and Rod Blagojevich.

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  4. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  over 8 years ago

    If unions went away today, we’d be back to 60-hour weeks, no weekends, child labor, and the rest, by next month. Meanwhile, the GOP would be cheering that it had brought some jobs home, albeit without much in the way of wages… but they’re the party of your boss and have been for a long time.

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  5. Goat red icon
    Red Ruffensor  over 8 years ago

    Two-time union buster, brought down by a nerd with a pocket protector who wasn’t even trying.

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  6. Bbjcesh
    barister  over 8 years ago

    Sounds like the Philster wants the position. Nothing like a lil competition to bring out the tiger in us lol.

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  7. Godzilla  i of the storm by adiraiju d4r0ysf
    Adiraiju  over 8 years ago

    …I don’t know what’s more disturbing, the fact that anyone here believes in the promises of politicians – ANY politicians – or that people are willing to suck up entirely to the unions OR the bosses. Every last one of them is honest as a three-dollar bill, and as dependable.

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    kaffekup   over 8 years ago

    Since I don’t read the rightwing commenters, I’m going to assume they despise every benefit that has accrued to working people from the unions.

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  9. Doctor who pic
    Dennett Premium Member over 8 years ago

    The road to hell is paved with “good” assumptions…

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  10. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 8 years ago

    And the Dragoncat Award for Best LMAO goes to LameRandomName! Good one…

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  11. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 8 years ago

    Take the job, Phil! If you’re going to rot in prison, you might as well rule it, too.

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    rabbit2502  over 8 years ago

    Sad to think about all the people that were killed trying to prevent Unionization in the early days. Now all it takes is a little GOP propaganda to turn so many against them.

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  13. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  over 8 years ago

    Unions have training programs that you can’t get anywhere else. Look at the elevator union, or the refrigeration union. Small casual labor unions have the in lieu of vacation/holiday pay and insurance for the workers, that the small contractor can’t take care of.

    Yes, there are many that are corrupt, but that is everywhere. I will trust a union before I trust the company.

    Brown and Root, Kerr McGee, etc are just companies that pay unskilled workers 1/3 scale and take 2x the man hours to finish a job – with 10x the accidents.

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