Reality Check by Dave Whamond for November 14, 2016

  1. Wires flyingfox
    radarhead  over 8 years ago

    Not extinct! Not extinct! You’re extinct!

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  2. Mel and linda 013
    Melki Premium Member over 8 years ago

    On day one, he will deport more than two million illegal Velociraptors!

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  3. Ajax4hire
    donotemailme  over 8 years ago

    An easy way to destroy a society;Have a set of laws for one people anda different set of laws for another people.

    A government’s ONLY job is to protect private property.Protect Your body, protect your life.A government has failed when it fails to equally protect all of its citizens; from the least capable to the most influential. All must be equal under the law.

    What other laws should the government not enforce?

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  4. Avatar 02 animated
    Michael Matchinsky  over 8 years ago

    Yes, the government should deport undocumented immigrants and should protect it’s citizens from the. But not all of the undocumented are criminals and I shouldn’t have to show my documents to prove I’m a citizen. We’ve elected a dinosaur who has no clue how the world works today. Though I must admit, Donnie does know the system, and how to manipulate it.

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  5. Drag baby
    Gwennysue  over 8 years ago

    No politics please. I came here for a laugh not a cry.

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  6. Halley
    8882sam8882  over 8 years ago

    Small hands. Does this mean Trump descended from T-Rex?

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    timbob2313 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Trump already backing off deporting 11 million illegals. Not gonna be a illegal roundup govt forceRemember, Obama deported 2 million+ illegalsWhile countries other than Mexico are the new illegals, with Mexico we now have the reverse, more Mexicans are going back to MexicoIf all illegals are expelled, who picks the crops? Not Americans, I can tell you that

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago

    Ajax 4Hire, timbob2313, etc.

    It is customary in English grammar to put both a period and a space between sentences. I realize ancient Greek not only did not uses spaces between words, but on occasion, alternated left to right with right to left, but that custom went extinct for obvious reasons of legibility.



    Same as with most else in agriculture: machines. Of course, this means another drop in quality and more concentration of power in agribusiness since the high quality, low yield family farmer can’t afford those expensive machines, but it enriches the corporations, and that is all that is important in the modern America.

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  9. Strega
    P51Strega  over 8 years ago

    Walls and round-ups are a sham to look like he’s doing something. Arrest those who hire the illegals and the problem is solved. (of course Trump would also have to be arrested).

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