WuMo by Wulff & Morgenthaler for December 05, 2016
December 04, 2016
December 06, 2016
Trying to find his match on an internet dating site, a Siberian tiger discovers that he is the last of his species
I'm never going to get a date! I knew I shouldn't have bought that second concert ticket!
Same with hennies (stallion/jenny), but since the intelligence is from the father and strength from the mother, they are not worth much, unlike mules (jack/mare). About 15% of hennies are fertile.
Funny_Ha_Ha about 8 years ago
That and it was Nickelback ticket.
Bilan about 8 years ago
And none of the deers wanted to join him. I wonder why?
Stephen Gilberg about 8 years ago
Well, ligers prove that feline species classification isn’t as cut and dried as we used to think….
hippogriff about 8 years ago
Same with hennies (stallion/jenny), but since the intelligence is from the father and strength from the mother, they are not worth much, unlike mules (jack/mare). About 15% of hennies are fertile.
rush.diana about 8 years ago
Sad actually