Brutus: I know we both should be regularly doing some kind of aerobic workout... but the idea of jogging on a treadmill or walking around the block bores me to tears! Gladys: I'll bet going shopping at the mall would be a great aerobic workout!
sixcues about 8 years ago
On second thought, a walk around the block doesn’t sound so bad, now does it!
awgiedawgie Premium Member about 8 years ago
Not much of a workout for Brutus. He’ll be sitting on a bench the whole time until she’s broke… er, done.
St. Pillsbury about 8 years ago
Back in the 80’s & early 90’s it was common place to see seniors, teens and ages in between walking for exercise in malls.
Plods with ...™ about 8 years ago
Alphaomega about 8 years ago
Bet his thumb is in great shape !
sfreader1 about 8 years ago
Walking around the block is not really an aerobic workout, but you have to start somewhere. Work your way up to 30 minutes and do it at least 3 times a week. Works better if you do it every day. I do it twice a day, every day, and feel great!
angelfiredragon about 8 years ago
If it is raining, snowing or a blizzard I take my dog and go for a walk…she loves it. She don’t care about the weather either) so in the winter we go for lots of walks.
Dragoncat almost 8 years ago
Sure… Burn calories and your credit card strips at the same time.