Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for December 24, 2016

  1. Rick
    davidf42  about 8 years ago

    As much as I like Scancarelli, I feel he missed the boat on one thing. Over the years he had so many opportunities to develop so many characters, and he ignored them. So many children actually grew up without us getting to know them, and Amy hasn’t been seen for years. I wonder how Lil’ Skeezix and Kathleen Elly are doing.

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    wreck it ralph  about 8 years ago

    So how old is Amy in today’s strip she looks about 20 or 25.

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    Starman1948  about 8 years ago

    An early Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy Hanukah to all my friends. I will be taking mom (age 96) to my brother’s house in Powder Springs, GA, for Christmas.

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    Anthony Moats Premium Member about 8 years ago

    This bothers me. I have known Chipper sine he was about 6 years old. His hair is black. Black; black;black.

    I remember when he became a PA and grew his beard.

    Yes, I know the colorist cannot put in black-quoi-black where she’s added a half-tone brown. But she could use half-tone black; i.e. a very dark grey, for that intended salt-and-pepper look.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 8 years ago

    Amy get your breathalyzer.

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    rimshot22  about 8 years ago

    Chipper is pushing 70 and Skeezix is in his 90s. Uncle Walt is 118 at least and the only known WWI veteran still alive, although the last one in real life died years ago. It’s time for him to die. I don’t care what the syndicate wants. It’s bad enough Rufus and Joel never aged and died at least 30 years ago like they should have. The whole novelty of this strip has always been that the characters age and die in real time.

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    Paul1963  about 8 years ago

    Given that Amy has 24-year-old twins, I’d guess she’s at least in her 50s now (Gus and Kathleen were born on Christmas 1992). Chipper is 71.We haven’t seen the twins in a while, but at least they looked about the right age when we last saw them. Jim was drawing them like nine-year-olds well into their teens.

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    William Ellwin Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Amy looks awfully young here to be married to a 71 year old who also looks a bit young. I do miss some of the old characters than have passed along over the years… Doc, Avery, etc. Its been a long ride for sure…

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