Dogs of C-Kennel by Mick & Mason Mastroianni for December 06, 2016

  1. Missing large
    Stanwal2  over 8 years ago

    Looks like the GOP getting ready to repeal Obamacare.

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  2. Mouseanim
    Ratbrat  over 8 years ago

    When I was about six, my father told me to check the house traps one morning.The dead little mouse in one them, almost severed by the trap, completely traumatized me. I spent years brooding and crying about it.Nightmares, the whole bit, and my father having to deal with a crying kid everynight.I still bet the spinners when I think about it.

    Dad resolved to use live traps, and had to escort mice to the wild every morning.

    Eventually he got us a cat, for which I had been lobbying for years.

    The mice got the message and moved on their own. I didn’t really put two and two together at the time, but I sure loved that cat!

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  3. Watermelon avv
    car2ner  over 8 years ago

    not a drop of terrier blood in Iggy, is there.

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  4. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member over 8 years ago

    At least it’s quick. In the sticky traps they break their own legs trying to get out, scream for their comrades to avenge them, then starve.

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  5. 3 1 09 connor ball
    Germanshepherds4ever  over 8 years ago

    Poor little mice.

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