Sluggo: You look like you've been in a few FIGHTS! ME, too!
Cat: I gots da best of 'em, too!
Sluggo: That's a cool SCAR!
Cat: You should see da udder cat!
Sluggo: I'm gonna call you "FLASH"!
Cat: Whoa! I ain't never had a NAME before! COOL!
Argythree about 8 years ago
Sluggo may be the first person that this cat has ever been near. Usually cats that live ‘rough’ don’t even let people touch them, although they will eat food that you put out for them…
atomicdog about 8 years ago
Actually, he looks more like “Reverse-Flash”.
Wilde Bill about 8 years ago
The cat that gave him that scar was named Voldemort.
louchivegas about 8 years ago
davidf42 about 8 years ago
Flash – I like that better than Buddy!
smeghead57 about 8 years ago
He reminds me a little of Streaky, Supergirl’s cat from the silver age comics.
jrankin1959 about 8 years ago
It’s curious how Flash “talks” the same way that Sluggo did in his first few years in the comic strip. (Check Nancy Classics for reference.)
ladykat about 8 years ago
So Sluggo has gone from a cat hater to a cat lover or, at least, a cat tolerator.
sneakysdad about 8 years ago
Great comic Guy I love it!!
BWR about 8 years ago
Best way to add a member of the ‘family’! Homeless pets from the streets or from the shelter need you.