What ever happened to good old fashioned bvtt sniffing?
Bluetooth ’em.
DAD! She’s just being sociable.
Yeah, that dog comes by every day. He’s walking on my part of the sidewalk, y’know.
Thats my girl.
Well it not just dogs for my girl.
She barks at everything that walks by.
Dog acts like a dog and people start barking…
Brian Anderson
WoodEye about 8 years ago
What ever happened to good old fashioned bvtt sniffing?
Ida No about 8 years ago
Bluetooth ’em.
Keep on keepin' on about 8 years ago
DAD! She’s just being sociable.
Dani Rice about 8 years ago
Yeah, that dog comes by every day. He’s walking on my part of the sidewalk, y’know.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 8 years ago
Thats my girl.
Well it not just dogs for my girl.
She barks at everything that walks by.
DADoug about 8 years ago
Dog acts like a dog and people start barking…