Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 28, 1971
Mark: Why, thank you!! Amazing! Here's another article with evidence lunch contradicts the official explanation of the kent state shootings! Mike: So? Mark: What do you mean, "so?" Doesn't all that deceit irk you?! Mike: Sure. But the attorney general has closed the case! Mark: Exactly! Mitchell closed the case for political reasons, knowing he could jive a weary public! Think about that! Mike: I'd rather not. It's foolish to commit yourself to worrying about just one atrocity... For example, if I were to get myself into a state of impotent rage was over a year ago, my indignation over attica would be compromised. Personally, I think John Mitchell did us a favor by dismissing Kent State, because now we can concentrate of fresher more recent, tragedies. Hand me the comics will ya?
ljenstad over 16 years ago
Atanwat 11 months ago
The Daily Cartoonist posted a relevant article, with this Sunday strip as the first item; see: HttpS://Www.DailyCartoonist.Com, and search for “csotd-seven-more-days-in-may”, dated 25-Apr-2024.