Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 10, 1972
Mike: Hey, Mark, I'd like you to meet someone...this is the guy who's started this new coffeehouse Mark: Er, hi. Rev. Sloan: Reverend Scot Sloan's the name, son! I'm the fighting yoling priest who can talk to the young. Mark: Fighting young priest? Rev. Sloan: Sure, man. Didn't you read about me in look? Birmingham, Selma, Chicago '68, Washington '67...? Mark: Oh, that fighting young priest. Rev. Sloan: Right. Now, can I lay some java on you?
Unkatee Premium Member over 15 years ago
1st appearance of Rev. Sloan?
Ceciliasa over 14 years ago
Yes. You are reading all trips!
bryan42 almost 11 years ago
“And the part of Baby Jesus was played by a hidden 15 watt light bulb” My fav. Sloan line ever (although I can’t remember if it was a 15 or 25w bulb)
zola115 about 9 years ago
One of my least favourite characters…
learninglair1 over 7 years ago
rcd: rev. scott sloan