Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 02, 1972
Mark: I think I've had enough of Fantasyland. Let's go check out tomorrowland. Mike: You know, you're lucky you got in here at all. Ordinarily, they take a dim view of shaggy locks... Mark: Well, I gave that Disneyland gatekeeper the slip. Their security is less than impressive... Mike: Oh, yeah? Mickey Mouse: I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come with me.
bryan42 almost 11 years ago
This was, ironically, only a few months before myself and several other “shaggy locks” got stuck on a ride. When the staff “rescued” us we were shuffled into the back lot to await transport. Apparently they forgot to inform security about a dozen stranded hippies because in short order we had two security guards trying to roust us for breaking into restricted areas. Neither one looked like Mickey but they were both slower than the mouse.