Love the MUTE button! Wasn’t a law passed against increasing the volume on ads? Surely I don’t imagine they are louder than the programs I watch. Seems insurance companies (all forms) and cable providers are the worst offenders.
Why is it that the news organizations that complain the loudest about fake news all have Taboola, Outbrain, and AdSense links on their own webpages? And why do so many of them attempt to block you if you filter out such links with an ad blocker?
Flash Gordon about 8 years ago
“Take ‘Dammitol’ when life is too stressful.”
“Buy the all new 2017 Bargemobile
with the revolutionary Belchfire V14 engine."
“Eat greasy salty starch, the honest junk food.”
Thechildinme about 8 years ago
Love the MUTE button! Wasn’t a law passed against increasing the volume on ads? Surely I don’t imagine they are louder than the programs I watch. Seems insurance companies (all forms) and cable providers are the worst offenders.
tsandl about 8 years ago
Why is it that the news organizations that complain the loudest about fake news all have Taboola, Outbrain, and AdSense links on their own webpages? And why do so many of them attempt to block you if you filter out such links with an ad blocker?
neverenoughgold about 8 years ago
One of the truly remarkable benefits of recording “programs”, is the ability to skip through the 20 minutes or so of junk in an hour long broadcast…
johnnytiggs about 8 years ago
If you can’t razzle them with fact . . . dazzle them with fake:) Okay:( Okay:( Believe half of what you see, none of what you hear:(
wildfiregal about 8 years ago
“sponsored by…Trump University”….