Time for a ticker checkup.
The only thing worse than getting old is NOT getting old.
Like the song said " I ain’t as good as I once was" with that in mind time for some PT Frank :-)
Time to get a squirrel powered snow thrower. Hook up one of those hamster wheel contraptions and go to it!
September 04, 2015
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 8 years ago
Time for a ticker checkup.
wcorvi about 8 years ago
The only thing worse than getting old is NOT getting old.
juicebruce about 8 years ago
Like the song said " I ain’t as good as I once was" with that in mind time for some PT Frank :-)
Egrayjames about 8 years ago
Time to get a squirrel powered snow thrower. Hook up one of those hamster wheel contraptions and go to it!