Ali's House by Marguerite Dabaie and Tom Hart for February 24, 2017

  1. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  about 8 years ago

    Shoulder up your gun, and whistle up your dog,

    Shoulder up your gun, and whistle up your dog,

    Off to the woods for to catch a groundhog.

    Oh, groundhog!

    Here comes Sally, with a ten-foot pole,

    Here comes Sally, with a ten-foot pole

    To twist this whistle-pig out of his hole.

    Oh, groundhog!

    Here comes Sal with a snigger and a grin,

    Here comes Sal with a snigger and a grin,

    Got groundhog gravy all over her chin.

    Oh, groundhog!

    Ya eat up the meat and save the hide,

    Eat up the meat and ya save the hide,

    The best durn shoestring that ever was tied.

    Oh, groundhog!

    There’s meat in the cupboard and butter in the churn,

    Meat’s in the cupboard and the butter’s in the churn,

    If that ain’t groundhog, I’ll be durned.

    Oh, groundhog!

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  2. Missing large
    daisypekin01  about 1 year ago

    better not, Ali…it’s unclean!

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