Since they are on Anasigma land they are under the laws of Skinhorse. That law must have passed where corporations are nations unto themselves so whatever laws they have goes. Though murdering people would still be illegal anywhere they are and would have to be enforced.
Ida No about 8 years ago
Hair sells well on the street. What, did you think it just grows by itself?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Since they are on Anasigma land they are under the laws of Skinhorse. That law must have passed where corporations are nations unto themselves so whatever laws they have goes. Though murdering people would still be illegal anywhere they are and would have to be enforced.
Stephen Gilberg about 8 years ago
We never did get an answer to the question “Why do people work here?!”
6turtle9 about 8 years ago
Rebellion begins with hope.