Well, I think you’re really questioning the sincerity of the repentance. Jesus himself covers the topic in the parable of the man who hires people to work his field, hiring them at different times throughout the day. And when the end of the day came and pay was distributed, the ones who started early in the day grumbled, because the ones who worked only part of the day got a full day’s wage. And Jesus identified the problem as jealousy … of those who thought themselves better than the latecomers. So what if God is merciful to the latecomer? How has that hurt YOU?
Sir Ruddy Blighter over 7 years ago
Oh, and look! in a little handbasket, there’s ______
(insert the celebrity/politician/community of your choice)
Pilzkopf over 7 years ago
So that’s what the Highway to Hell looks like?
KEA over 7 years ago
Gotta love christianity… be crappy, evil, and mean your whole life, but repent on your death bed and you’re good to go.
ekke over 7 years ago
Well, I think you’re really questioning the sincerity of the repentance. Jesus himself covers the topic in the parable of the man who hires people to work his field, hiring them at different times throughout the day. And when the end of the day came and pay was distributed, the ones who started early in the day grumbled, because the ones who worked only part of the day got a full day’s wage. And Jesus identified the problem as jealousy … of those who thought themselves better than the latecomers. So what if God is merciful to the latecomer? How has that hurt YOU?