Brutus: I lost my wallet - it was red, with yellow polka dots and the initials BPT on it.
Man: Someone just turned in a wallet exactly matching that description!
Man: Now, I'll just need you to produce some identification, so I can give you your wallet.
KA7DRE Premium Member about 8 years ago
That’s gonna be a tough one !
1MadHat Premium Member about 8 years ago
Brutus P. Thornapple? What’s the “P.” for?
cuzinron47 about 8 years ago
Well, if you look in the wallet you’ll see an ID card with my picture on it.
comixbomix about 8 years ago
My son just went through this scenario in Portland with their Trimet, but they were reasonable, and only too happy to give him the wallet – and with all his cards and money in it still – vast kudos to Portland and their Trimet!
LV1951 about 8 years ago
Another thing is who else would admit to having a wallet like that? lol!
JoePhan about 8 years ago
Knowing Brutus’ luck, the clerk is Frank Nelson. It’s exactly the type of thing he’d do to Jack Benny.