In 100 years or less, our present scientific “proofs” will be likened to ancient man’s cave drawings. There is no certainty, only theories we accept as certain. No effort is being made to study other sources for the increased temperature. There are many past geologic times where the atmospheric temperatures were very high. Cyclic changes in the earth and sun may be so long that we have no idea of their effects. I would hazard a guess that man is contributing to the global warming phenomena, but we must study the entirety of potential causes before declaring there is but only one source. Otherwise, such hubris invites gross miscalculation for a remedial solution that is cost effective. The leaders of the past knew for certain the earth was flat, the sun revolved around the earth, demons caused disease, so on and so forth. Trying to stop air pollution here does not take into effect the Indian and Chinese mass contributions to pollution which the Western world can not possibly control. It is like sticking ones finger in a hole in a dike and saying, “nothing to see here, move along”. Al Gore and scientists make declarations without study of all the potential causes for our present dilemma. It does not mean to stop looking, just don’t stop at the first cause or contributing factor.
cabalonrye about 8 years ago
Let me rephrase that : every time someone denies scientific proof the people who believe in facts get hotter
Roadrunner Premium Member about 8 years ago
In 100 years or less, our present scientific “proofs” will be likened to ancient man’s cave drawings. There is no certainty, only theories we accept as certain. No effort is being made to study other sources for the increased temperature. There are many past geologic times where the atmospheric temperatures were very high. Cyclic changes in the earth and sun may be so long that we have no idea of their effects. I would hazard a guess that man is contributing to the global warming phenomena, but we must study the entirety of potential causes before declaring there is but only one source. Otherwise, such hubris invites gross miscalculation for a remedial solution that is cost effective. The leaders of the past knew for certain the earth was flat, the sun revolved around the earth, demons caused disease, so on and so forth. Trying to stop air pollution here does not take into effect the Indian and Chinese mass contributions to pollution which the Western world can not possibly control. It is like sticking ones finger in a hole in a dike and saying, “nothing to see here, move along”. Al Gore and scientists make declarations without study of all the potential causes for our present dilemma. It does not mean to stop looking, just don’t stop at the first cause or contributing factor.