Morning, Anniephans!
Yeah, search parties, arf!
Morning Annie Fans.
And maybe it’s time to drop a name, starting with a W.
We have 60 with rain this AM
You tell em’ Sandy.Dumb humans—-just standing around doin’ nuthin’ !
“(♪♫) I can hear music…Sweet, sweet music…” (The Beach Boys)
Thank you, davidf42, for providing the title of this adventure, which is…
“Annie at Broadcast Ranch,” 10-23-2004:
davidf42 5 months ago
Morning, Anniephans!
Yeah, search parties, arf!
Dkram 5 months ago
Morning Annie Fans.
And maybe it’s time to drop a name, starting with a W.
We have 60 with rain this AM
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 5 months ago
You tell em’ Sandy.Dumb humans—-just standing around doin’ nuthin’ !
JPuzzleWhiz 5 months ago
“(♪♫) I can hear music…Sweet, sweet music…” (The Beach Boys)
Thank you, davidf42, for providing the title of this adventure, which is…
“Annie at Broadcast Ranch,” 10-23-2004: