Morning, Anniephans!
Annie is the acknowledged leader!
The art’s pretty darned good in Panel 2.
And here comes Ernest Borgnine,the Hobo Hater.
Annie should help those two jump out of the train and stay on board till the next town.
Justine thinks Ratznestistan is where she can get info…
“Freddie,” 2-24-2005:
davidf42 about 23 hours ago
Morning, Anniephans!
Annie is the acknowledged leader!
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 21 hours ago
The art’s pretty darned good in Panel 2.
And here comes Ernest Borgnine,the Hobo Hater.
RT2000 about 20 hours ago
Annie should help those two jump out of the train and stay on board till the next town.
JPuzzleWhiz about 19 hours ago
Justine thinks Ratznestistan is where she can get info…
“Freddie,” 2-24-2005: