Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for March 25, 2025

  1. Rick
    davidf42  6 days ago

    Morning, Anniephans!

    I’ll give you a nickle for it!

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  2. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  5 days ago

    Sell it to Warbucks.

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  3. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  5 days ago

    There’s a guy next door named Mr.Bribery who likes to shrink heads

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  4. Kudzu2
    Kudzufan  5 days ago

    Yesterday, I sent a message to Gocomics. Here is what I sent.===========Can you tell me what the changes will be? Will basic members be able to post comments?Here are some suggestions.For these comic strips, lets start from the beginning.AnnieGasoline AlleyBorn LoserDick TraceyFrank & ErnestOn this site, Annie starts in 2001, but the comic strip started in 1924. So lets start from the beginning. Also in Foxtrot Classics, lets have the Sunday comic. And in Bloom County, lets have the comic posted seven days a week. Right now it is only posted six days a week.I hope to hear from you soon, about my proposals.==========Here is the reply.========HelloNo additional information regarding the level of access for free users, is available at this time. Free accounts will remain available and comments will remain a part of that access, but there is no additional information at this time. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. Thank you,GoComics Support===============So I sent a reply.============What about my suggestion, to have all the strips for Annie, and some other strips? Gocomics has all the strips for Calvin & Hobbes, and Doonesburry. Thats from the very beginning. The same for Foxtrot Classic. If Gocomics does that, then more people will visit Gocomics. I also have another idea. How about posting the comic strip Little Anni Rooney? That would be from beginning, to end.One more I would like to see is Kudzu. That is from the beginning, to the end. Doug Marlette did that comic strip. He died back in 2007.Kudzu Fan==============Here is their reply.=============Message continues in next post.

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